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Nicolai Chirnev

Republica Moldova

Limba: Rusă , Engleză , Română

  • 5 (11)
Despre mine
Salutare tuturor! Este o idee grozavă că ați decis să vizitați Moldova. Eu, sau oricine de pe acest site putem fi ghidul dumneavoastră! Sunt Absolvent al Facultății de Istorie cu experiență de lucru de aproximativ 6 ani, ghidajul este principala mea activitate și o ador! Moldova vă poate oferi mai mult decât credeți, dați-i o șansă, explorați-o acum!
Informație generală


  • Cultură
  • Istorie

Gen: Masculin

Acreditări: Tour Guide since 2016 Driving my personal 7-seats Toyota

Aprecieri (11)
  • 5.0

I would really like to recommend Nicolai to everyone who wants to experience Moldova in a proper way. Thanks to a great knowledge of Nicolai, you can learn about all the aspects of the country – history, current situation and what people have in their minds & hearts. Our entire trip went in a very positive and relaxed atmosphere. While sightseeing, we had an opportunity to discuss various topics – society, culture and history from different perspectives. After that trip, I have a feeling that I had a chance to really learn sth about Moldova – not only pure facts and figures. Additionally, Nicolai has various insights about not so well-known places – you will have a chance to visit very interesting spots, not mentioned in guidebooks. Moreover, you have a flexibility in terms of planning of the itinerary, but Nicolai will give suggestions what should be visited first. While Nicolai is fluent in both English and Russian, visitors from most of the countries could easily communicate. I also appreciate great responsiveness – we could smoothly plan everything in advance before our arrival to Chisinau.

  • 5.0

If you want a remarkable and memorable trip to Moldova, then Nicolai is your guide. He's extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual, flexible, personable and just everything you want in a guide. During my 4 days with him, I saw authentic Moldova through his eyes and learnt so much about Moldova through his stories. Besides being a great guide, Nicolai is a great photographer, so you can get unique lasting memories. A trip to Moldova wouldn't be complete without exploring this fascinating and beautiful country with Nicolai- a true Tourism Ambassador to Moldova. You won't regret it.

  • 5.0

If you want a remarkable and memorable trip to Moldova, then Nicolai is your guide. He's extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual, flexible, personable and just everything you want in a guide. During my 4 days with him, I saw authentic Moldova through his eyes and learnt so much about Moldova through his stories. Besides being a great guide, Nicolai is a great photographer, so you can get unique lasting memories. A trip to Moldova wouldn't be complete without exploring this fascinating and beautiful country with Nicolai- a true Tourism Ambassador to Moldova. You won't regret it.

  • 5.0

If you want a remarkable and memorable trip to Moldova, then Nicolai is your guide. He's extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual, flexible, personable and just everything you want in a guide. During my 4 days with him, I saw authentic Moldova through his eyes and learnt so much about Moldova through his stories. Besides being a great guide, Nicolai is a great photographer, so you can get unique lasting memories. A trip to Moldova wouldn't be complete without exploring this fascinating and beautiful country with Nicolai- a true Tourism Ambassador to Moldova. You won't regret it.

  • 5.0

If you want a remarkable and memorable trip to Moldova, then Nicolai is your guide. He's extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual, flexible, personable and just everything you want in a guide. During my 4 days with him, I saw authentic Moldova through his eyes and learnt so much about Moldova through his stories. Besides being a great guide, Nicolai is a great photographer, so you can get unique lasting memories. A trip to Moldova wouldn't be complete without exploring this fascinating and beautiful country with Nicolai- a true Tourism Ambassador to Moldova. You won't regret it.

  • 5.0

If you want a remarkable and memorable trip to Moldova, then Nicolai is your guide. He's extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual, flexible, personable and just everything you want in a guide. During my 4 days with him, I saw authentic Moldova through his eyes and learnt so much about Moldova through his stories. Besides being a great guide, Nicolai is a great photographer, so you can get unique lasting memories. A trip to Moldova wouldn't be complete without exploring this fascinating and beautiful country with Nicolai- a true Tourism Ambassador to Moldova. You won't regret it.

  • 5.0

If you want a remarkable and memorable trip to Moldova, then Nicolai is your guide. He's extremely professional, knowledgeable, punctual, flexible, personable and just everything you want in a guide. During my 4 days with him, I saw authentic Moldova through his eyes and learnt so much about Moldova through his stories. Besides being a great guide, Nicolai is a great photographer, so you can get unique lasting memories. A trip to Moldova wouldn't be complete without exploring this fascinating and beautiful country with Nicolai- a true Tourism Ambassador to Moldova. You won't regret it.

  • 5.0

Visiting Transnistria with this guy was probably the most exciting and interesting I've done for the past years. And I travel quiet a lot. The explanations Nicolai is giving is essential to understand what you are seeing. Usually I don't like guided tours but Nicolai was super. He have actual knowledge and can explain a lot of the history, culture, politics that you see /(what makes you wonder). All in all, I give my warmest recommendations for this guy, he is super! Det hele værd, ham her kan det hele, virkelig virkelig god!! I hope to return, Transnistria was interesting; yes, but the way Nicolai could explain and teach me history in a very nuanced way was very inspiring. Best regards Bjørn from denmark

  • 5.0

I spent 4 days with Nicolai. He showed me the entire country of Moldova. I enjoyed seeing Gagauzia, Soroca, Orhei and Transnistria. But most of all, I enjoyed Nicolai and his knowledge, humor and kindness.

  • 5.0

I spent 4 days with Nicolai. He showed me the entire country of Moldova. I enjoyed seeing Gagauzia, Soroca, Orhei and Transnistria. But most of all, I enjoyed Nicolai and his knowledge, humor and kindness.

  • 5.0

Nicolai is not only one of the best in Moldova, he’s one of the best I’ve ever traveled with. He has a few things that make him stand out 1) he is very enthusiastic and can talk about any subject 2) he presents a balanced and nuanced view of complex topics 3) he can easily and flexibly arrange any travel Without a doubt, he is top tier. Easy and informative to talk to, entertaining and flexible. 11/10 would recommend!

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