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Balațel Elana

„Casa Parintească” Guesthouse

  • Language: English , Spanish , Romanian
Cristina Rus

„Casa Parintească” Guesthouse

  • Language: Russian , English , Spanish , Romanian , Italian , Spanish
Cernous Vladimir

„Casa Parintească” Guesthouse

  • Language: Russian , English , Romanian
Nicolina Muntean

„Casa Parintească” Guesthouse

  • Language: English , Romanian
Olga Oghii Aksoy

„Casa Parintească” Guesthouse

  • Language: Russian , English , Turkish
„Casa Parintească” Guesthouse

The Parent House Museum called in Romanian “Casa Părintească” is not only the place where ancient customs and traditions are reborn, but also a platform for the most innovative and modern forms of non-formal learning, located in the village of Palanca, Calarasi district. 

Its owner, Ms. Tatiana Popa, turned her family home into a museum of craftsmanship. The museum displays articles of traditional peasant life, including old textiles, household articles, tools and photos. Ethno-folklore programs can be organized with traditional songs and dances or different other activities like handcrafting with local artists.

Lunch is usually served in the courtyard of the museum. The menu includes traditional dishes associated with homemade wine. We recommend you to taste organic herbal teas with cherry cake called “vărzari” with an extraordinary flavor and sweeten up your day with their delicious red raspberry jam. 

Close to the museum there is a splendid old wooden church – The Virgin Mary. The church was built of backwood, at the end of the eighteenth century. Also on 7th of July here they celebrate national holiday called “Sânziene“ - a perfect ocasion to visit Palanca village.

You can book a room here: https://winetours.md/rom/agropensiuni/pensiunea-casa-parinteasca 

Email: casa.parinteasca@gmail.com

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