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Dumitru Boaghe


  • Language:
Victoria Vicol


  • Language:
Alfredo Ferrari


  • Language: English , Spanish , Italian , Romanian
Cristina Rus


  • Language: Russian , English , Spanish , Romanian , Italian , Spanish
Irina Mironic


  • Language: Russian , English
  • Language: English , Romanian
Tatiana Lupașcu


  • Language: Russian , English , Romanian , Italian
Gloria Jigau


  • Language: Russian , English , Romanian , French
Irina Popa


  • Language: Russian , Romanian
Nicolai Chirnev


  • Language: Russian , English , Romanian
Vera Garciu


  • Language: Russian , Romanian , Turkish
Cojuhari Natalia


  • Language: English
Cernous Vladimir


  • Language: Russian , English , Romanian

    Gagauzia is an autonomous region in the southwest of the Republic of Moldova, established on December 23, 1994, with its administrative center in Comrat. The structure of the autonomy includes 3 districts (Comrat, Ceadâr-Lunga and Vulcănești), and the highest official of Gagauzia is the Bashkan.

The Gagauz people are unique, through traditions, culture, language and history. The origins of the Gagauz people date back to the XI-XIIIth centuries, they being part of the great Oguz family. Being oppressed by the Ottoman Empire and not having the right to officiate their Christian rite, they began migrating from present-day Bulgaria to southern Dobrogea and Bessarabia in early 1770.

     Today, the community is concentrating its efforts on preserving the Gagauz language and culture in the face of the active migration of young people. The most important tourist attractions are the National Museum of History and Ethnography in Gagauzia “Dmitrii Caracioban”, located in the village of Besalma, the Cathedral of St. Ioan Botezătorul in the center of Comrat, Windmill from Gaidar village, etc. Also, in Gagauzia you can find several remains of the Soviet period: the main street in Comrat named after V. Lenin and his monument in the central square, the Monuments dedicated to the liberators (Soviet tank), etc.

Gagauzia can surprise with its colors, traditional cuisine and rich wines. It is undoubtedly a destination that we are yet to discover from new perspectives.

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